Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A few more scraps to nibble on

Not only will former Hills­dale College football players gather for an all-class reunion this Homecoming on Oct. 9-­10, but they will also have a chance to demonstrate what skills they may have left.chargeralumnigame
The first ever alumni flag football game will be played on Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. on the turf at Muddy Waters Stadium.
Those who are interested in participating can register at
The Chargers host GLIAC powerhouse Grand Valley State at 2 p.m. that day.

Local divers from Victory Athletics took second place out of six teams at the first Future Champions state meet at Western Michigan University's Gable Natato­rium June 27-28. Five divers from levels two to six represented Victory Athletics.
Sisters Kylee (9 years old) and Samantha Vear (7) com­peted against each other in Level 4 with Samantha sneaking winning with a 104.0 and Kylee placing a close second with a 103.
Maya Vanbuskirk (9) and Adrianna Willes (10) were both level 2s who competed in Level 3 against six other divers. First place went to Bri Jones, from West Michi­gan Diving Association, with a 111.0 . Vanbuskirk placed fourth with a 94.0 and Willes took sixth with an 85.0 Issac Giggs (5) was un­challenged as the youngest diver at the state meet, scor­ing an 85.5 and bringing home the youngest state championship gold medal.
Head coach Nancy Vear stated that her divers worked hard and were young and well prepared.
"We had a great time at our first state meet and the kids enjoyed finishing up the season with titles and medals," she said. "The divers are so young, but they can’t wait to start training for the Junior Olympic program in the fall."

With a new varsity head football coach in place the Jonesville Comets football program is trying to gener­ate funds for extra training equipment among other things.
Their first effort will be the Jonesville Football Golf Scramble at 10 a.m. on July 11 at Mill Race Golf Club, 200 Adrian Road, Jonesville.
Dalous Kelley organized the event and athletic direc­tor Kathy Bondsteel said she expects a great community turnout with recently hired head coach Joshua Linde­man and most of the Comet players in attendance.
The cost to participate is $50 per person or $200 per team.
Prize money will be awarded to the top three fin­ishing teams as follows: $400 for first, $200 for sec­ond and $100 for third.
Bondsteel said the foot­ball program needs extra fi­nancial support as it attempts to climb to the next level of stability and success.
"Our program is stable right now, but this money can help provide extras such as more equipment and things like tackle dummies," she said. "There are some things our coaches would like to have to help train their players, but we haven't been able to buy."

The Hillsdale County Sheriff 's Department is ex­hausting every avenue to raise money for it's educa­tional fund and athletics are not being left out.
A little over a week ago Hillsdale County’s high school seniors benefitted from the hard work of Sher­iff 's Office personnel who organized the first-ever Sheriff 's Office Golf Tourna­ment.
The tournament was held in an effort to raise scholar­ship support for Hillsdale County seniors interested in pursuing a college degree in criminal justice.
The tournament was co­ordinated by Deputy Todd Moore with the assistance of over a dozen of Sheriff Office volunteers who put in a full day of service at White Oaks Golf Course on Saturday, June 27.
Undersheriff Jeremiah Hodshire said a golf outing is one way to use corporate sponsors to help maintain the department's education fund despite the poor economy.
The event brought in more than $1,000 to be ap­plied toward scholarships.
The WCSR radio team took home first place hon­ors, leading the tournament all day long.
Each player at the scram­ble was a awarded a door prize, thanks to businesses and individuals throughout the county who generously donated them.
Some of the door prizes included gas cards, certifi­cates for free massages and tool sets, according to Hod­shire.
The event's corporate sponsor was Stewart Avia­tion from Osseo.
The department hopes to continue their fundraising with the ongoing sale of raf­fle tickets for a special event that will culminate at the Hillsdale County Fair in September.
The grand prize is a pair of roundtrip tickets on American Airlines. The sec­ond place prize is a set of Callaway X18R golf clubs that are being donated by Clor's Outpost and third prize is a pair of 14k gold .37 carat diamond earrings from Meyer's Diamond Cen­ter.
Tickets are $5 each and every penny of the proceeds will benefit the education fund.
Hodshire said people don't realize how much money it takes to educate the public through such simple things as brochures, bumper stickers and flyers, which is another use of the fund's money.
'The fair cost us about $2,100 last year. The pen­cils, stickers, bike safety ma­terials — those types of brochures,' he said.
Hodshire emphasized that the messages in that kind of material begins dialogue on important topics.


[caption id="attachment_801" align="alignleft" width="95" caption="Kelsey Cortright"]Kelsey Cortright[/caption]

Kelsey Cortright, a graduate of North Adams Jerome High School, is one of 121 Albion College scholar-athletes who have been named to the Michigan Intercol­legiate Athletic Associ­ation’s (MIAA) Academic Honor Roll for the 2008-2009 year.Cortright, the daugh­ter of Rodney Cortright and Susan Cortright of Jonesville, is a mem­ber of the volleyball team at Albion. She played in one game this season for the 12-16 Britons.
An individual making the MIAA’s Academic Honor Roll must have earned a varsity letter in a sport and main­tained a 3.5 grade point average or better for the entire school year.


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